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About the Clinical Profile

The Clinical Profile contains the patient's clinical information and is divided into:

  • Problems includes a patient's problems and primary diagnosis

  • Treatments lists a  patient's historical in-clinic and out-of-clinic medical treatment events, like: Surgeries, Radiotherapy, ER Visits, and Hospitalizations.

  • Chart Alerts is where you enter Code status, Diabetic status, Hospice, Study patient, billing and insurance alerts, and more

  • Care Plan includes: Pain Care Plans, Clinical Quality Exceptions, and Other plans

  • Medications shows a patient's Medication List and Cumulative Drug Dose/Offsite Drug Dose history

  • Allergies lists your patient's allergies, and is where you add, verify and reconcile them

  • Health Maintenance includes: Smoking Status, Screenings, Immunizations, Patient Services, and Patient Education

  • Observations contains: Performance Status, Cognitive Status, Depression Status, and Adverse Events

  • Family History is where you record the medical histories of your patient's relatives

  • OB/Gyn History is where you enter details about a female patient's Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, Menopause, and related medication history.

  • Devices lists your patient's implantable device history.

  • Patient History includes: Social History, Distress Thermometer, and Depression Screening & Plan