In iKnowMed, providers can sign notes with or without entering a PIN . Your practice can require notes be signed with a PIN by enabling the Require PIN to eSign Clinical Notes practice preference.
Although disabling the PIN requirement makes signing notes easier, it also may:
Weaken the security of your practice’s iKnowMed instance
Degrade the integrity of data entered by those who access your instance of iKnowMed
Impact your practice’s compliance with contracts, policies and procedures required for reimbursement from Health Care payers
Prior to disabling the PIN requirement, consult with your practice's legal, compliance and administrative leadership to thoughtfully consider all relevant, federal and state laws, regulations, administrative guidance, contract obligations, policies and procedures, including Health Care Payer requirements. Your practice assumes all responsibility for how it chooses to adjust any user-configurable settings in iKnowMed. Ontada disclaims any and all harm arising from or relating to your practice’s decision to disable the Require PIN to eSign Clinical Notes practice preference in iKnowMed.