Downloading Practice Insights Quality Summaries to Excel

Practice Insights allows users to download a spreadsheet of Summary 1 and Summary 2. Summary 1 includes the General measures in the top box of the Quality Dashboard and Summary 2 includes the Oncology-Specific and QCDR measures in the bottom box.

You will need to run separate reports for Summary 1 and Summary 2.


  1. Click the Download Icon in the upper right hand corner of the Quality Dashboard.

  2. Click Crosstab.


  1. Use the left-right scroll bar to select report options.

  2. Select either Summary 1 or Summary 2.

  3. Select CSV.

  4. Click Download


7. Once downloaded, the report includes measure data details including (left to right):

  • Estimated benchmark points

  • Numerator

  • Denominator

  • The average of all Practice Insights users' performance

  • Performance Rate

You may save this as an Excel and merge with report from the other summary to use for score estimation.