MIPS # PIMSH4 Patient Reported Pain Improvement


Percentage of cancer patients currently receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy who report significant pain improvement (high to moderate, moderate to low, or high to low) within 30 days.

Relevance to Value Based Care

Pain is one of the most common symptoms associated with cancer. It is important to regularly ask patients about their pain and modify treatment accordingly, in order to reduce pain and help improve quality of life. 


Patients who report pain level improvement within 30 days (high to moderate, moderate to low, or high to low); high 7-10, moderate 4-6, low 3 and below on a 10-point scale.


All patients, regardless of patient age, with a cancer diagnosis currently receiving chemotherapy (all oncolytics except hormone therapy) or radiation therapy who report a pain level higher than 3 on a pain scale of 0-10 during a qualifying E/M visit.


  • Hospice / death within the episode of pain

  • Patient refused plan of care


Up to 10 points


Select an activity below for a step-by-step workflow guide.

Patient Reported Pain Improvement Job Aid iKM.pdf
398.7 KB
Unfinished Charting Pain Missing Filter.pdf
302.5 KB
PIMSH4 Code List.xlsx
24.4 KB
2024 PIMSH4 Measure Specifications.pdf
176.8 KB