MIPS 457 Percentage of Patients Who Died from Cancer Admitted to Hospice for Less than 3 days (inverse)

This is an inverse measure, a lower percentage achieves a higher score


Percentage of patients who died from cancer, and admitted to hospice and spent less than 3 days there.

Relevance to Value Based Care

Many patients are enrolled in hospice for 3 days or less before their death, which limits the benefit they may gain from these services. Patients enrolled in hospice experience increased survival times along with a reduction in resource use such as aggressive end-of-life care and hospital admissions; benefits that increase the longer patients are enrolled in hospice (Lee, 2015; Langton, 2014).


Patients who died from cancer and spent fewer than three days on hospice.


Patients who, during the reporting period, had two E/M visits, were admitted to hospice and died from their cancer.




Up to 10 points


Patients Admitted to Hospice Job Aid iKM.pdf
430.4 KB
Hospice Enrollment.pdf
121.9 KB
268.4 KB
Date of Death Documentation.pdf
149.4 KB