MIPS #143 Pain Intensity Quantified


Percentage of patient visits, regardless of patient age, with a diagnosis of cancer currently receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy in which pain intensity is quantified.


  • Numerator 1:   Patient visits in which pain intensity is quantified

  • Numerator 2:  Patient visits in which pain intensity is quantified

Numerator Instructions:  Pain intensity should be quantified using a standard instrument, such as a 0-10 numerical rating scale, visual analog scale, a categorical scale, or pictorial scale.


  • Denominator 1: All EM visits with cancer diagnosis receiving at least 2 chemotherapy admins on or within 30 days prior or 30 day after EM visit

  • Denominator 2:  All radiation treatment visits (77427, 77431, 77432, 77435) visits with cancer diagnosis receiving radiation therapy

 Denominator Exclusion


 Numerator Exclusion



1-7 points. The benchmark file still displays values for Deciles 7 – 10 even though the measure can’t earn more than 7 achievement points.

Measure has a 7-point cap



 2024 CMS eCQM Measure Specifications

Depression Screening and Follow Up 2024.pdf
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