MIPS #130 Documentation of Current Medications

2025 measure specifications changes from 2024 highlighted below.

Coding changes and updates in Practice Insights are pending.


Percentage of visits for patients aged 18 years and older for which the eligible clinician attests to documenting a list of current medications using all immediate resources available on the date of the encounter.


Eligible clinician attests to documenting, updating, or reviewing the patient's current medications using all immediate resources available on the date of the encounter.


All visits occurring during the 12-month measurement period


The patient is in an urgent or emergent medical situation.

Telehealth included: Yes


1 to 7 points, this measure has a 7-point cap.


2025 CMS eCQM 130 Measure Specifications Link


Doc of Current Meds 1.2023.pdf
180.0 KB
Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record 14.1.000.html
64.8 KB

MIPS #130 Documentation of Current Medications

1. In addition to Chart Summary tab, the Medication List can be accessed:

  • In the Clinical Profile tab > Medications sub-tab

  • In the Nursing Care tab by clicking the Medication List button

Regardless of the location, the functionality of the Medication List is the same.

2. Clicking ADD EXTERNAL MED allows you to document External Medications for the patient.

3. By default, the Medication List displays only ACTIVE medications.

  • To view Inactivated medications, the INACTIVE checkbox must be selected.

  • To view Removed medications, the REMOVED checkbox must be selected.

4. Clicking a checkbox next to a medication selects or deselects it.

5. The checkbox in the section header allows you to select or deselect all Prescriptions and External Medications at once.

6. If a medication needs to be inactivated, click INACTIVATE after selecting the medication(s). An Inactivate Reason is required.

7. Once selected, click the blue RECONCILED button to reconcile the medications and meet the measure requirements.

8. You may also click the blue VERFIY button.  Clicking VERFIY or RECONCILED, or both will meet the measure numerator. Using the VERIFY add a date notation on each verified medication.

MIPS #130 Documentation of Current Medications Workflow Continued

9. Click the box if the patient has no known external medications.

10. Click YES to confirm.