EOM 5:Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan--MIPS CQM collection type
Measure Description: Percentage of all patients ≥ 12 years screened for depression on the date of the encounter or within 14 days of the encounter, using an age appropriate, standardized depression screening tool AND if positive, a follow-up plan documented on the date of the encounter in the visit note and shared with the patient. Follow up plan must be entered into the Depression Observation or Adverse Events no later than 2 days after the visit. At least one screening per reporting period.
Relevance to Value Based Care: The economic burden of depression is substantial for individuals and society. Individual costs include suffering, side effects from treatment, fees for mental health/medical visits and medications, lost work time and lost wages, transportation, and reduced quality of personal relationships. Costs to society may include loss of life, reduced productivity, and increased costs of health care.
Patients ≥12 yrs with a qualifying visit during the reporting period
Patients in the denominator who were screened using an appropriate tool and if positive score for depression a follow-up plan documented no later than 2 days following visit and screening
Required Fields in iKnowMed
E/M visit in reporting period
(99202-99205, 99212-99215)
Measure-approved screening tool used
Screening result: Yes or No (documented in iKM on the date of the E/M visit)
If Yes: follow up plan shared with patient and documented in the visit notes on day of visit, follow up plan must be entered into Observation or Adverse Events no later than 2 days after qualifying visit.
NOTE: Suicide Risk Assessment alone is not a valid follow up plan