End of Life Care Measures
End-of-life measures encourage clinicians to consider the best individual care for their patients when end of life approaches. They can also encourage patients to share their goals of care with their care team. Additionally, they can also reduce the cost of care when it comes to end of life while respecting a patient's wishes.
Click on the measures below to learn more about these important measures.
MIPS #47 Advance Care PlanningMIPS # PIMSH1 Advance Care Planning in Metastatic DiseaseMIPS # PIMSH 9 Supportive Care Drugs in Last 14 DaysMIPS # 457 Percentage of Patients Who Died from Cancer Admitted to Hospice for Less than 3 days MIPS #453 Percentage of Patients Who Died from Cancer Receiving Systemic Cancer-Directed Therapy in the Last 14 Days of Life