Add an In-House Medication Order
To order an in-house medication, navigate to the Orders tab and click Medications.
Your patient's Principal Diagnoses are set as the Associated Problem. To change the problems associated with the order you want to add, click the problem name to select an alternative.
Search for Medication
Choose a medication under Previously Ordered Medications, from an Order Set or Panel, or enter a medication name in Order Search.
Search Results include available forms of medications matching your search terms.
Select the medication you would like to order.
Update the Order Details
The most commonly prescribed presets for Dose, Unit, Route, and Frequency are selected by default.
To choose a different preset from commonly prescribed doses, click QUICK SIG PICK.
Update or confirm the Form, Dose, Unit, Route, Frequency, Instructions, and Duration.
In Associated Problems, check each problem to associate the drug with. To add a problem, click Create a new problem.
Click OK.
Order for Self-Administer
If your patient receives the first injection in-clinic and then self-administers at home, order the medication again as a prescription by clicking the medication name.
Save Duplicate Orders
With the one time in-house medication and the prescription with refills both in the cart, warning icons appear indicating these may be duplicate orders.
To save the orders, click SIGN & SAVE or SAVE (for a non-provider).
View the In-House Medication
The in-house medication appears under Nursing Care > MAR, ready to be administered.
View the Prescription
It also appears in the Medications > In-House section on the Flowsheet.
To print the prescription for your patient, click the prescription order and choose Print Rx from the pop-up menu.