Add a Prescription Order
To order a prescription, go to Orders > Medications.
Your patient's Principal Diagnoses are set as the Associated Problem. To change the problems associated with the drug you want to add, click the problem name.
You can choose a medication under Previously Ordered Medications, or select a medication from an Order set or Order panel, or enter a medication name in the Order Search field.
Search for a Medication
Search Results include available forms of medications matching your search. Click Also Show Rarely-Used Results to expand the search to include rarely used and newly added medications.
Select the medication to order.
Fix a Prescription Error or Alert
An alert at the top of the order window identifies errors or missing info.
Select a Formulary Alternative
For a patient with pharmacy benefits or multiple plans, select a plan to display Formulary Alternatives available under that plan.
Select Prescription Details
The most commonly prescribed presets for Dose, Unit, Route, and Frequency are selected by default.
To choose a different preset, click QUICK SIG PICK.
To indicate the medication should be taken as needed, first check PRN.
Update the Form, Dose, dose Unit, Frequency, Instructions, Instructions to Pharmacist, Dispense, dispense Unit, Refills, and Duration.
Document Reason for a PRN Prescription Order
When a medication is selected to be taken PRN, indicate the reason for the order.
Enter Prescription Instructions
Instructions entered are patient-specific and print on the label at the pharmacy.
To provide instructions for the pharmacist only, use the Instructions to Pharmacist field.
Use Instructions Replace Required Fields
To replace Route, Frequency, Dose, and other fields on the order with Instructions, check Instructions replace required fields.
To permit the pharmacy to substitute a similar medication, check Allow substitutions.
When Dose and Frequency are populated, the Dispense amount calculates for you. Otherwise, update the Dispense amount.
When Allow substitutions is checked, this is a required field.
Enter Prescription Prior Authorization #
If you enter the Prior Authorization # into the order, it is included with the eRx and prints on the standard Rx form.
Designate Fill Method and Preferred Pharmacy
Your Fill Method options vary by state and by medication.
When your patient's Preferred Pharmacy is documented under Demographics and the medication is eligible to be prescribed electronically, the eRx Fill Method is selected.
To add a Preferred Pharmacy, click Add Pharmacy.
Search for a Pharmacy
To filter by Pharmacy Type, choose from:
Mail Order
Long Term Care
Click SEARCH and select the pharmacy to add.
Add the Pharmacy to Your Patient's Chart
To add the pharmacy to your patient's chart under the Demographics, click either ADD PHARMACY or ADD PREFERRED PHARMACY.
Print the Prescription
To print the prescription, select Print Rx - local form printer.
To order the medication without sending it to the pharmacy or printing the prescription, choose Prescribe only - no print.
Enter comments about the prescription in Chart Comments. These comments do not display on the printed prescription.
Set the Prescribing Location and Associated Problem
The Prescribing Location defaults to the logged in location set in the menu bar. Update this information as needed by selecting an alternate location.
To change the Associated problem, check each problem to associate with the prescription.
To add a new problem, click Create a new problem.
Click OK to save the prescription details.
View the Order in the Cart
Prescriptions are always ordered for Today. They cannot be ordered for a fuzzy date or future date.
If the eSign option is enabled, click the SIGN & SAVE button to simultaneously sign and save the order.
When entering an order on behalf of a provider, click SIGN & SAVE to send the order to the Sign Orders Queue for physician signing.
Prescribe a Controlled Substance
For controlled substances, the Schedule appears after the name.
To digitally sign a controlled substance prescription, you must use 2FA (two-factor authentication). iKnowMed partners with NewCrop and Exostar to provide this functionality.
For 2FA, being logged in to iKnowMed is considered the first factor.
You have three options for the second factor:
Push Notification - You respond to a push notification sent from Exostar to the Authy app on your smartphone.
Hard Token - You enter into iKnowMed the One-Time Passcode that displays on a key fob, which you receive from Exostar.
Soft Token - You enter into iKnowMed the One-Time Passcode that displays in the Authy app.
The patient must have an Opioid agreement signed, and it must be verified when placing the order. This box is checked if the verification is documented in the Pain Care Plan for today.
A query of a state Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) must also be completed prior to the electronic transmission of an opioid prescription. Check the box to indicate this has been done.
If a signed Opioid agreement was previously verified, the date it was verified displays.
Select Pharmacy for eRx of Controlled Substances
For an EPCS-registered prescriber, the Fill Method for a controlled drug is eRx by default.
If the chosen pharmacy is not EPCS-enabled, the eRx option is disabled, and "Pharmacy is not enabled for eRx of controlled substances" is displayed when you hover over the pharmacy entry.
View the Controlled Substance Order in the Cart
Once the order is added, the order confirmation shows the prescriber's DEA number, address, and phone number, as required for EPCS certification of the EHR.
Click SIGN & SAVE to open the Digital Signature window. If eSign is not enabled, the button is labeled SAVE.
Enter Signing Pin
To meet the DEA's authentication requirements for ePrescribing controlled substances, first enter your Signing Pin and then your second factor for authentication.
When you select your option, follow the on-screen prompts to complete the process and attach a legal signature to the prescription.
View Prescription Order
The ordered medications display in the Flowsheet.
Click on the drug name to open the Options for Occurrence drug management menu.
Available Options for Occurrence
The available options in the displayed dialogue vary based on the order. For example, Print Rx is not an Option for Occurrence for a digitally signed eRx.